Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Gracie's Amber eyes

Gracie's eyes are as Amber as the gemstone by that name. It's a stunning combination with her gray coat and near black nose. Michael has always liked mouse gray cats and she fits right into the category accept she looks like she's been dipped in powder sugar! lol! All the ends of her fur glisten white which makes her look frosted, it's her special little quirk. :-)

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Using Border pages

Have you ever walked up to a paper and thought it was beautiful but it had a decorative border on it? I have..... wondering what on earth I would do with it! Like, staying inside the lines coloring when you're a child this usually just intimidated me. Until now, using the new collection Loolah by the designers at IOD and released by Creative Imaginations, I've created a couple of layouts using bordered papers that I really like. These are from my July classes I taught at a couple of LSS'S. I hope I've inspired you in some little way!! Be blessed!